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Project Details


Grupo Vasconia S.A.B. Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework Second-Party Opinion (2022)


Grupo Vasconia S.A.B.

Project Type

Sustainability Linked Bond or Note; Transition;

Industry Group


Use of Proceeds

Energy efficiency



Evaluation Date

Jun 2022

Evaluation Summary

Sustainability-Linked Instruments  
Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles 2020, Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles 2022 

Sustainalytics is of the opinion that the Grupo Vasconia S.A.B. Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework aligns with the Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles 2020 and Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles 2022.  

Overview of KPIs and SPTs: 


Strength of the KPI 


Ambitiousness of the SPT 

KPI 1: Carbon intensity of all aluminium-based products per tonne of aluminium processed (tCO2e/t) 

Very Strong 

SPT 1.1: Achieve a carbon intensity of 2.36 tCO2e/t by 2023 


SPT 1.2: Achieve a carbon intensity of 2.08 tCO2e/t by 2024 


KPI 2: Percentage of scrap aluminium in the total aluminium inputs processed by Almexa  


SPT 2.1: Increase the percentage of scrap in the total aluminium inputs processed to 78% by 2023 

Highly Ambitious 

SPT 2.2: Increase the percentage of scrap in the total aluminium inputs processed to 79% by 2024 

Highly Ambitious 


Climate Transition Finance Handbook 

Sustainalytics has evaluated Grupo Vasconia S.A.B.’s transition governance, strategy, decarbonization targets, and intentions to report on transition progress and finds them to be aligned with the recommendations of the Climate Transition Finance Handbook 2020. Vasconia has a sustainability strategy that outlines commitments, goals and actions on climate transition and decarbonization, and directly addresses the environmental impacts of its core business. In addition, Vasconia commits to disclose investments relevant to its transition strategy and the climate-related outcomes of its implementation.