What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: The Shifting Regulatory Landscape, Reporting on Impact, Focus on Biodiversity, and More
In this month’s rundown of all things sustainable finance, we look at shifting regulations for investors, issuers and service providers, how issuers can measure the impact of their GSSS bonds, and the growing spotlight on biodiversity in financial markets.
What's Happening in Sustainable Finance: Whether War Could Spur Adoption of Renewables, Thoughts on Just Adaptation, and More
In this month’s round-up of the sustainable finance market, we discuss how geopolitical conflicts could spur the adoption of renewables, considerations for a just adaptation, and much more.
The Sustainalytics Podcast | Addressing Material ESG Issues: Practical Insights From our Expert Webinar Panel
Sharing insights from our webinar “Addressing Key Corporate ESG Issues: Lessons From Industries With High ESG Risk”. In clips from the live session, our sector analysts discuss the importance of measuring and managing material ESG issues such as environmental impacts, community relations and occupational health and safety.
What's Happening in Sustainable Finance: Rhino Bonds Support Conservation, Spotlight on Social Bonds, and More
A round-up of recent developments in the global sustainable finance market. From innovative instruments for financing conservation efforts to growing ESG activity in the private equity space to a new taxonomy for social bonds.
Financing the Future: An Interview on High ESG Risk Industries and Opportunities for Banks
Companies in industrial conglomerates, steel, diversified metals, precious metals, and oil and gas producers can make take meaningful steps to reduce their material environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risk – and the negative impacts that go along with those risks. But they need guidance and access to finance. Read on to learn how banks are working with clients in these high-risk industries to set and meet targets for material improvements on ESG risk factors.
What's Happening in Sustainable Finance: Impact Reporting for Bonds, the Low-carbon Transition for the Cement Industry, and More
In addition to our detailed overview of recent developments in the green, social, and sustainability-linked finance space, in this episode we welcome special guest Simon Vacklen, Sustainalytics’ Corporate Solutions senior manager, to discuss impact reporting for use of proceed bonds.
What's Happening in Sustainable Finance: ESG Market Continues Rapid Growth, Climate Risks Top WEF List, and More
We’re seeing rapid growth and diversification in the ESG market, with companies increasingly using sustainable bonds, loans, and deposits to finance emissions reductions, renewable energy, waste and water management, transition plans, and more.
Maximum Impact: How Bond Impact Reporting Can Improve Corporate Decision Making
When companies measure and report the environmental and social impacts of their operations, they can demonstrate to investors large and small that their green and social bonds are reliable investments for maximum impact. Then investors can optimize their portfolios for impact as they do for risk and reward and companies can optimize their efforts to improve.
What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: Reflecting on COP26 Pledges, Sustainable Finance for Gender Equality, and More
In this episode we highlight some of the outcomes from COP26, a new report on using sustainable debt to further gender equality, as well as recent deals, developments, and research in the global sustainable finance market.
Infographic | 5 Breakout Innovations in Sustainable Finance for Banks
This infographic describes five key innovations in sustainable finance, including green deposits, sustainable deposits, green trade loans, green guarantees and letters of credit, sustainable supply chain financing, and offerings for borrowers in industries not traditionally considered green.
What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: Market Expectations Rise, Green Bonds Continue to Flourish, and Biodiversity Climbs Up the Agenda
Highlighting the growth of the global sustainable finance market during the first half of the year and the increasing attention on biodiversity among issuer and investors.
What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: The Nuance of ESG Ratings, the Impact of Climate Change on Sport, and “Code Red” for Humanity
Discussing diverse sustainability and green finance topics including the momentum behind sustainability-linked bonds, the latest IPCC report as well as recent sustainable finance deals and transactions.
What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: Key EU Developments and the Untapped Market of Climate-Aligned Bonds
Covering summer developments in the global sustainable finance market, including the launch of the EU’s renewed sustainable finance strategy, the publication of the Social Loan Principles and the EU Green Bond Standard, and the continuing growth in the sustainable bond and loan markets.
What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: The Push for Climate-Related Disclosures, Assessing SPT Ambitiousness, and More
Highlighting what’s new in the world of sustainable finance including the push for more company reporting climate-related risks, the emergence of more oil & gas companies exploring sustainable finance options and our tips on how companies can assess the ambitiousness of the targets used in sustainability-linked debt.
What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: Adopting the Climate Transition Finance Handbook, Recovery Through Sustainable Sovereign Debt and More
In this episode, we discuss ongoing diversification in the labeled bond market and highlight developments around transition finance guidance as well as new and updated principles in the loan market.