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Industry expert Jon Hale shares his views on attempts to discredit sustainable investing

In a new Medium article highly worth the read, Jon Hale, Global Head, Sustainable Investing Research at Morningstar, writes about recent misleading attacks on the credibility of ESG assessments and sustainable investing. He takes aim at a critical report from The American Council for Capital Formation, a Washington D.C. policy group financed by the National Association of Manufacturers, the fossil fuels industry and various other corporate lobbying organizations.

Celebrating a diversity of approaches to sustainable investing

I recently traveled from the US to Europe to learn about the major market differences in sustainable investing. For context, investors long rooted in sustainable investing practices have viewed the general US market as lagging compared to Europe. As it pertains to values-based investing, I agree. However, the US has embraced ESG integration in a very sophisticated and pioneering way as it relates to risk mitigation.

projected growth in genome editing market graph

ESG Spotlight | CRISPR: Adapting investment strategies to a biotech revolution

Having already attracted more than USD 1bn of venture capital and other sources of funding, CRISPR – a breakthrough technology in gene editing – is revolutionizing biotechnology.

M&A deals graph

ESG Spotlight | ESG compatibility: a hidden success factor in M&A transactions

This report explores how environmental, social and governance (ESG) compatibility may contribute to the financial success of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Although M&As can present synergistic opportunities, firms involved in such deals are prone to several risks.

UK ESG Market 2017 graph

ESG Risk in Default Funds

Default funds used by DC plan members in the UK are significantly exposed to a variety of ESG risks, including human capital, business ethics, product safety and data privacy and security.

Lake view

10 for 2017: Investment Themes in a Changing World

In this year’s contribution to Sustainalytics’ 10 for series we present ten investment themes for investors to consider in 2017.For each theme, we describe the key drivers, identify companies with upside exposure and present a profile of a company that we consider to be particularly well-positioned in the market.

ESG scores and CRA ratings chart

ESG Spotlight | Game of bonds: reassessing sovereign credit ratings

In this Spotlight report, we build on this interest by developing a new approach for connecting ESG and credit rating agency (CRA) data. The first part of our analysis looks at the correlation between ESG scores and CRA ratings,

Finding Value Through Thematic ESG Investing

On January 25th Sustainalytics published 10 for 2017: Investment themes in a changing world, the fourth installment in our 10 for series. As the title suggests, the report looks at thematic ESG investing.

Why Responsible Investing is in our DNA

– Celebrating Sustainalytics’ 25th anniversary. This year Sustainalytics turns 25. It is an important event to celebrate, but, for me, the true value of such milestones lie in the fact that they give you pause to reflect. While Sustainalytics is a success story, it doesn’t mean we didn’t have some peaks and valleys. At any rate, I ask myself how we were able to create a company that has built responsible investing into its very DNA.