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eBook | Future-Proofing Supply Chains 2022 | Sustainalytics

Future-Proofing Supply Chains: Supply Chain Sustainability and Key Trends in 2022

Updated for 2022, this ebook explains how to integrate ESG into your company’s supply chain and outlines key supply chain sustainability trends for 2022.

Nature’s Assets - Why Biodiversity is Good for Business

This ebook investigates the material impacts of biodiversity loss, explores which sectors are highly affected and offers five steps on how companies can measure and manage biodiversity-related issues.

How Sustainable Finance is Shaping Change in Banking

How Sustainable Finance is Shaping Change in Banking

This ebook highlights key issues for banks, including strategies to embed ESG into lending and investment decisions, and important innovations in sustainable finance.

Sustainability-Linked Loans - A Bridge to Connect Corporate Sustainability and Finance

Sustainability-Linked Loans: A Bridge to Connect Corporate Sustainability and Finance

In this ebook, corporate borrowers will gain insight into the increasingly popular sustainability-linked loan instrument and how it can support corporate ESG improvements.

A Beginner’s Guide to Social Impact Reporting: Capturing the Corporate Social Footprint

This ebook presents a beginner's guide to social impact reporting, offering practical tips on effectively communicating your company’s social impacts.

Financing Sustainability: Recent Trends in Sustainable Bonds, Linked Instruments and Disclosure

The “Financing Sustainability: Recent Trends in Sustainable Bonds, Linked Instrument and Disclosure” ebook shares insights on recent progress made by organizations bridging the gap between sustainability and finance.

Walking the Talk: Tips for Telling Your Authentic ESG Story

Our guide, Walking the Talk: Tips for Telling Your Authentic ESG Story, offers insight on how to identify, report, and address material ESG risks.


Corporate ESG in Focus: An Overview of ESG and its Impact on Companies

With climate change and social justice concerns increasingly dominating headlines, environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) factors are no longer treated as trivial issues confined to a company’s CSR department. ESG is now central to a company’s financial performance and reputation.

Corporate ESG ebook

Corporate ESG Ratings: How businesses are leveraging their ESG Risk Ratings

Good environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance is not just about meeting investor demands. From revenue generation and raising capital to talent acquisition and employee retention, strong corporate ESG performance can influence key aspects of a company’s operations.

Opportunities on the Horizon: ESG Ratings and the Corporate Perspective

This four-part guide focuses on key areas of sustainable finance, offering companies, corporate investment banks and investors a better understanding of market trends and important developments.

Soaring on Success: The Growth of Sustainability Linked Loans

This four-part guide focuses on key areas of sustainable finance, offering companies, corporate investment banks and investors a better understanding of market trends and important developments.

Taking Flight: An Overview of the Growth in the Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds Market

This four-part guide focuses on key areas of sustainable finance, offering companies, corporate investment banks and investors a better understanding of market trends and important developments.

Sustainable Finance on the Rise

This four-part guide focuses on key areas of sustainable finance, offering companies, corporate investment banks and investors a better understanding of market trends and important developments.