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What You Don’t Know, Can Hurt You: Getting to the Bottom of Supply Chain Risk

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: Getting to the Bottom of Supply Chain Risk

To address supply chain risk, business leaders must consider an increasingly broad range of factors in procurement, including environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts. Investors, customers, and regulators are applying substantial pressure on companies to reduce risks like labor disruptions, workforce health and safety incidents, human rights issues, and shortages of natural resources.

What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: Innovation is the Name of the Game

Highlighting innovations in the sustainable finance market, including ESG derivatives and relinked SLBs, along with a rundown of key transactions and noteworthy reports related to transition finance and curbing emissions.

eBook | Future-Proofing Supply Chains 2022 | Sustainalytics

Future-Proofing Supply Chains: Supply Chain Sustainability and Key Trends in 2022

Updated for 2022, this ebook explains how to integrate ESG into your company’s supply chain and outlines key supply chain sustainability trends for 2022.


How a Leading Infrastructure and Facilities Conglomerate Successfully Linked its Sustainability Ambitions to its Financing

In pursuing a sustainability-linked loan (SLL) and obtaining a second-party opinion on the KPIs tied to it, Downer secured credibility for its sustainability commitments, while also achieving its financing objectives.


How a Credit Union Analyzed Its ESG Gaps and Set Its Sights on Leading in ESG

The insights and data gathered from Sustainalytics’ ESG Performance Analytics reinforced First West Credit Union’s values-based approach to business and spurred the company to strive for additional positive impacts within its operations, for its members, and for its community teams.

5 Sustainability Themes to Expect in 2022

As we enter 2022, it struck me that VUCA--a concept that originated in the mid-1980s at the U.S. Army War College to describe the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity of the world after the Cold War—is still a useful framework to think of where we are now.

Michael Jantzi

Sustainalytics CEO Michael Jantzi on the Evolution of ESG and What's Ahead For Sustainable Investing

Michael Jantzi is one of the giants of sustainable investing. He is the founder and long-time CEO of Sustainalytics, which was recently sold to Morningstar, and where he now focuses on the big picture as managing director for ESG strategy.

View our infographic, How Today’s Banks are Adopting ESG-Based Strategies to Become More Sustainable

Infographic | How Today’s Banks are Adopting ESG-Based Strategies to Become More Sustainable

Banks need comprehensive and credible environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies to participate in and benefit from the accelerating growth of sustainable finance. This infographic sheds light on some of the key sustainability-focused strategies banks are using and what they might look like in practice.

human rights engagement

Human Rights Due Diligence – An Essential Step for Corporate Social Sustainability

Corporates seeking to be socially sustainable must be able to comply with existing and upcoming legislation, mitigate reputational risks, and meet the evolving expectations of their stakeholders.

Climate Action for Investors

For Investors with Ambitions to Lead on Climate Action Post COP26

In the weeks following COP26, investors in the UK and worldwide face a myriad of upcoming climate-related regulations heading towards the implementation phase. In addition, major global coalitions such as the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero have sprung up to attempt to accelerate decarbonization via targeted investment.

Financing the Future: An Interview on Banks’ Role in the Green Transition

Financing the Future: Conversations in Sustainable Finance is a Q&A series where we sit down with featured ESG experts from Sustainalytics, sharing their insights on how businesses are using finance to meet the challenges of our transition to a sustainable future. Read on to learn...

esg risk

A Closer Look at Product Governance ESG Risk Management

In 68% of our engagements, product governance is a significant material ESG issue, but it is our experience that most companies underestimate the materiality of this risk to investors. For some industries, product governance represents on average more than 20% of ESG risk exposure, as identified within our ESG Risk Rating framework.

Read on to explore why banks are embracing sustainable finance

Sustainable Finance and Banks: Reduced Risk, Increased Opportunity

Banks will play a key role in the green transition and those that commit to sustainable banking may gain an advantage over competitors, among other benefits. Indeed, banks are uniquely positioned to participate in and benefit from the transition to a green economy.

Nature’s Assets - Why Biodiversity is Good for Business

This ebook investigates the material impacts of biodiversity loss, explores which sectors are highly affected and offers five steps on how companies can measure and manage biodiversity-related issues.

Maximizing Engagement Impact in Fixed Income

Hear from our expert panel on how to maximize ESG impact from Fixed Income Engagement.

ESG Risk Ratings in APAC - Supporting the Corporate Sustainability Journey

Hear from a panel of ESG thought leaders in the Asia-Pacific region on how ESG ratings have supported their sustainability and financial objectives.

cop26 trending themes for investors

COP 26: A Spotlight on Emerging Climate Action Themes for Investors

Reactions to the COP26 Conference and the resulting Glasgow Climate Pact have predictably run the gamut from claims of greenwashing to the celebration of progress in the fight against climate change. Ultimately, any judgement on COP26 may be premature, as the success of the conference will best be measured in time by the extent to which commitments made are put into motion. While we wait to see the concrete actions that materialize, the past two weeks have underscored the importance of several themes that will garner increasing attention and should be considered by sustainable investors.

Read our infographic - 5 Breakout Innovations in Sustainable Banking

Infographic | 5 Breakout Innovations in Sustainable Finance for Banks

This infographic describes five key innovations in sustainable finance, including green deposits, sustainable deposits, green trade loans, green guarantees and letters of credit, sustainable supply chain financing, and offerings for borrowers in industries not traditionally considered green.

Listen to the latest episode of the Sustainalytics Podcast | Aligning Executive Action to Strategy With Sustainability-Linked Compensation

What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: Market Expectations Rise, Green Bonds Continue to Flourish, and Biodiversity Climbs Up the Agenda

Highlighting the growth of the global sustainable finance market during the first half of the year and the increasing attention on biodiversity among issuer and investors.

COP26 Video 3

COP26 Goal #4 - Work Together to Deliver

Why do ESG research and ratings matter to financial market participants? Ulziitushig (Toshi) Batbuyan, Associate, Oil & Gas Research, talks about how investors can leverage Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Ratings in various capacities.