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ESG Data Services

Integrate our ESG research and data directly into your systems and workflows


Asset management clients can integrate our research and ratings directly into internal systems and workflows through a variety of data deliverables. By leveraging the systems your firm is already familiar with, you can create significant workflow efficiency while also improving internal oversight and accessibility of ESG data. 

Key Benefits


Breadth and scope

Generate your own insights by integrating our extensive ESG dataset into your systems  



Utilize automated delivery schedules or API services to develop optimized processes and streamlined data integration 


End-User Customization

Filter the data points you want to focus on and create custom displays, dashboards, or models to support your end-users’ experience  



Rely on a secure and stable service with consistent, high-quality data and quality control mechanisms 



Improve visibility and internal oversight to support risk management, auditing and help to ensure compliance 

API & Datafeed Solution 

Our automated data delivery solution includes both a datafeed and API service.  



Sustainalytics’ API solution is built using the latest technology and market standards with an agnostic service language and online documentation that follow OpenAPI and Swagger protocol. 



Receive reports on a set frequency that are saved directly onto your SFTP folder.

ProductAvailable DataNumber of Underlying Data Points
ESG Risk Ratings
  • 20 material ESG issues

  • Qualitative issue-level analyst views

  • ~170 ESG management indicators

  • ~ 70 exposure indicators

  • 40 controversial event indicators

Corporate Governance & Research
  • 6 corporate governance pillars  

  • Regional benchmarks 

  • ~60 corporate governance indicators 

Controversies Research
  • 10 ESG controversy signals  

  • 40 controversial event indicators 

  • Event summaries & analyses 

  • Outlook scores and commentary 


Country Risk Rating
  • Natural factors 

  • Human factors 

  • Institutional factors 

  • Coverage of 172 counties 


Country Screening
  • UN, US, EU sanctions 


ESG Data
  • 150 ESG indicators 

  • 40 event indicators 

  • 33 corporate governance indicators 

  • Raw scores 

  • Outlook scores 

  • Answer categories 


  • Carbon Risk Rating 

  • Emissions data 

  • Fossil fuel involvement data 

  • Sustainable solutions data 

  • Stranded assets data 


Impact Metrics
  • 40 Metrics 

  • Reported or estimated values 

  • Impact theme mapping 

  • Sustainable Development Goals mapping 


Product Involvement
  • 26 Product involvement areas 

  • 122 involvement categories 

Involvement metrics/proxies: 

  • Binary involvement (yes/no), e.g. animal testing 

  • Percentage of revenue, e.g. tobacco production 

  • Percentage of generation capacity, e.g. thermal coal power generation 

  • Significant ownership, e.g. significant ownership of another entity with involvement 


Sustainable Products Research
  • 12 solutions areas 

  • 35 involvement categories 

  • Reported or estimated revenue assessment  


Controversial Weapons Radar
  • 6 weapons types 

  • Involvement profile, assessment & summary 


Global Standards Screening
  • Global Compact compliance status 

  • Non-compliant and Watchlist descriptions 

  • Effective status timeline 

  • Applicable guidelines, principles and conventions


EU Taxonomy


  • Reported eligibility and alignment data for NFRD companies and voluntary reporters  

  • Estimated eligibility and alignment assessments (DNSH, MS, SC screens)

  • Data across all 3 key Taxonomy KPIs: revenues, capex, opex

  • 89 activities for Climate Change Mitigation

  • 96 activities for Climate Change Adaptation





  • 100% Coverage of Mandatory Corporate and Sovereign Indicators
  •  Exact Fit for 34 out of the total 64 PAIs
  • The standard coverage universe comprises around 13,000 companies and 172 countries 
  • Estimation models to help fill certain gaps in corporate disclosure
  • Portfolio-level aggregations solution




Global Standards Engagement Thematic EngagementOthers (Corporate Governance, bespoke) 
Total number of engage cases worked on during the year 


36 Business Ethics 

35 Environment 

84 Human Rights 

42 Labour Rights 


20 Carbon Risk 

7 Child Labour in Cocoa 

23 Climate Transition 

139 Emerging Markets 

23 Food Supply Chain 

21 Plastics & Circular Economy 

6 Sustainable Seafood 

13 Taxation 

17 Water Management 


53 Corporate Governance 

47 Bespoke 


Total Engaged Companies 




Companies that Made Progress in Addressing the Issue [1]




Successfully closed cases [2]




[1] The number of companies that reached a milestone during the year 

[2] Closed case is defined as follows: (i) Global Standards Engagement - the company has implemented a robust strategy to deal with the issue and has successfully managed it; (ii) Thematic Engagement - the company has been responsive and successfully finished participating in one of the three-year thematic programs; and (iii) Other - the company has constructive dialogue with Sustainalytics and has successfully managed its corporate governance issues, or the company’s response and performance has met the client’s requirements and expectations (for bespoke themes). 

Why Sustainalytics?


A Single Market Standard

Consistent approach to ESG assessments across the investment spectrum.


Award-Winning Research and Data

Firm recognized as Best ESG Research and Data Provider by Environmental Finance and Investment Week.


End-to-End ESG Solutions

ESG products and services that serve the entire investment value chain.


30 Years of ESG Expertise

800+ ESG research analysts across our global offices.


A Leading SPO Provider

As recognized by Environmental Finance and the Climate Bonds Initiative.

Related Insights and Resources

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Why Looks Could Kill: An ESG Perspective on GLP-1 Medications for Cosmetic Weight Loss and Diabetes

GLP-1 medications' proven efficacy for weight loss caused global demand for these treatments to soar. While the heightened demand is promising for biopharmaceutical companies, it also introduces an array of ESG challenges that this article explores.

Navigating Material Climate Risks in the Global Equities Market

Navigating Material Climate Risks in the Global Equities Market

This report evaluates companies on the Morningstar Global Large-Mid Cap Equities Index and how they are misaligned to net zero targets. It also identifies industry challenges regarding emissions reporting and their solutions.

From Beginning to End: Raw Materials, Risk and Lifecycle Management in the Automobiles Industry

From Beginning to End: Raw Materials, Risk and Lifecycle Management in the Automobile Industry

In this article, we look at the key raw material risks that the automobiles industry is facing and how the enhancement to our ESG Risk Ratings provides a more comprehensive assessment of the issue.

Material Matters: The Role of ESG Materiality in Sustainable Investment Strategies

In this article we define ESG materiality and highlight what investors need to know when considering the materiality of ESG issues in their investment portfolios.

Other Ways of Accessing our Research


Global Access

Sustainalytics’ online platform enables you to access our research through a user-friendly interface with robust screening, monitoring and reporting tools. 

Learn more

Partner Platforms

Access Sustainalytics’ research through various partner platforms with dedicated functionalities, including Morningstar Direct, Bloomberg, Aladdin, RIMES, Markit, Factset & Style Analytics.  

Learn More