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Product Governance Risk: Navigating one of the most common ESG issues


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Tim Benedict

Tim Benedict

Director of Communications

[email protected]

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SFDR : le connu, l'inconnu et l'incertain

Écoutez notre panel d'experts et de représentants de l’industrie échanger sur les enjeux à venir dans la mise en place de la SFDR.

European union flags

Asia Pacific: Navigating the EU SFDR Regulations

The EU Action Plan raises the bar for transparency and accountability on sustainable finance and the investment management industry. Hear from Sustainalytics' Anne Schoemaker, Associate Director, Product Strategy and Development and William Ridout, Senior Product Manager, for an insightful event for Asia Pacific investors focusing on EU Taxonomy and Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

Thematic engagement graphic

Thematic Engagement - The Next Normal

Join Sustainalytics’ Stewardship Services team as they introduce an exciting, future-focused bundle of thematic engagements, The Next Normal.

Is there a price to be paid for ESG Investing?

With a growing awareness around sustainability issues and accelerating regulatory developments in Europe, sustainable finance is one of the most significant talking points of our time. But what does sustainability investing mean for stakeholders and what are the resulting challenges? What’s more, what kind of impact does this have on a company’s mid to long-term strategy as well as its short-term profitability? By bringing together representatives from the regulatory side, the financial industry, the non-financial industry and an independent advisory firm, we aim to take a closer look at the consequences for the corporate world and answer a key question - is there a price to be paid for investing in ESG companies?