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Morningstar Sustainalytics’ 2nd Annual Global Survey of CSR and Sustainability Professionals

Posted on June 13, 2023

Morningstar Sustainalytics
Morningstar Sustainalytics


We invite all corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability professionals to participate in the second edition of the Morningstar Sustainalytics Corporate ESG Survey. This year, we will build upon the insights of the 2022 survey to delve deeper into crucial questions that shape the environmental, social and governance (ESG) landscape, including:

  • What motivates companies to address ESG issues?
  • What are businesses' key ESG priorities in ESG?
  • What roadblocks hinder progress on ESG initiatives?
  • How do CSR and corporate sustainability professionals navigate these challenges?
  • What sets corporate ESG leaders apart in their approach?

The survey is now closed. If you want to make sure you receive the final report, click here to subscribe to our newsletter for CSR and sustainability professionals, ESG in View.

You can access the 2022 survey report by clicking here.

By completing the survey, you will help provide CSR and sustainability professionals with valuable insights into trends, challenges and resources specific to their industries and regions. Join us in shaping the future of ESG!

Click here to take the Morningstar Sustainalytics Corporate ESG Survey 2023.

Why You Should Participate

In 2022, over 550 CSR and sustainability professionals, from individual contributors to the C-suite, across industries and around the world, contributed to the inaugural report. Now, with your valuable input, we will share insights on what has changed in corporate ESG since last year, including the key challenges companies and teams face and how they are managing them.

By completing the survey, you can get early access to the final report and:

  • Gain a wider perspective on approaches to corporate ESG issues across the globe and compare your organization’s ESG practices and performance to a global group of sustainability professionals.
  • Identify pain points and develop effective strategies to overcome ESG challenges within your organization.
  • Gain clarity on your ESG practices and processes, empowering you to influence decision-makers and drive meaningful change.
  • Have the opportunity to have your comments published in the final report, amplifying your voice within the sustainability community.

Corporate ESG practices are evolving along with the roles of the people who plan and execute ESG programs. According to the 2022 survey, nearly half of professionals in this field have less than five years of experience and it is important for companies to make sure CSR and sustainability teams have the knowledge and skills to perform effectively in this fast-moving environment.

If you are a CSR or sustainability professional, we want your opinion! Click here to participate. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Contribute to Morningstar Sustainalytics’ 2nd Worldwide Survey of CSR and Sustainability Professionals


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