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ESG in Conversation: Asset Owners Share Their Views on the Changing Investment Landscape

Posted on February 1, 2024

Morningstar Sustainalytics
Morningstar Sustainalytics


Episode Summary


  • Melissa Chase, Senior Content Marketing Manager, Morningstar Sustainalytics 


  • Thomas Kuh, Head of ESG Strategy, Morningstar Indexes 

Survey Says... Asset Owners Are Committed to Sustainable Investing 

In this episode of ESG in Conversation, Thomas Kuh, Head of ESG Strategy at Morningstar Indexes shares the results from Morningstar Indexes and Morningstar Sustainalytics’ Voice of the Asset Owner Survey. Not surprisingly, asset owners are concerned about the influence of global events on the market. They are confused about ever-changing regulations and are seeking improvements and reliability from ESG service providers. Despite these challenges, asset owners also say they remain committed to sustainability and are putting more resources towards their ESG strategies.  

You’ll also learn more about the low-carbon transition risks facing some of the world’s biggest food companies and the steps they can take to get their emissions reductions back on track. Finally, the start of 2024 brings new sustainability-focused regulations. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) came into effect in the European Union on Jan. 1 and will apply to nearly 60,000 companies globally. The directive could be a watershed moment for corporate reporting as well as investors seeking more sustainability data from issuers.  


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Key Moments




Interview with Thomas Kuh discussing asset owners’ views on ESG investing  


Insights on the low-carbon transition risks of major food companies and how they can reduce emissions 


Details on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive  


Links to Select Resources

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