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EU Taxonomy Reporting Review | Morningstar Sustainalytics

EU Taxonomy Reporting Review

In our first EU Taxonomy Reporting Review, Morningstar Sustainalytics examined taxonomy alignment on KPIs for more than 1,300 non-financial companies to assess the progress companies are making in reporting their taxonomy alignment.

ESG Risk Around the World Comparative Analysis Report | Morningstar Sustainalytics

ESG Risk Around the World: A Comparative Analysis Between Developed and Emerging Markets

This reports tracks and examines the ESG attributes of companies in emerging and developed markets from 2018 to 2022. It sheds light on recent developments, showing how companies in developed and emerging markets are improving their ESG Risk Ratings at different paces.

Analysis: Strong Data Privacy and Security Management Pays Off

In this post, we share analysis of the impact of cyberattack incidents on company stock prices using the Data Privacy and Security Policy management score as a variable to assess returns after one year.

The Emergence of Water Risk: From Marginal to Systemic

The past two decades have seen a surge in interest in environmental issues, mainly climate change, global warming, and fossil fuels. Yet, another equally important dimension - water scarcity - has thus far remained largely unexamined and has not been given adequate importance in the economic development agendas of many countries.

ESG Risk and Economic Moat Development

Investing in Companies with Positive Momentum in ESG Risk and Economic Moat Development

In Sustainalytics’ paper, Combining ESG Risk and Economic Moat,[i] we examined the effect of combining the two metrics, showcasing the benefits of higher returns and lower downside risk. More specifically, investing in companies with negligible/low ESG risk and wide economic moats was advantageous for creating alpha over the past four years.

Combining ESG Risk and Economic Moat

In this report, we look at the potential synergies between Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings and Morningstar’s Economic Moat Rating. As a part of our research, we constructed a back-testable investment strategy and portfolio by segmenting stocks with low ESG risk and a wide moat. While both metrics worked independently, they performed exceptionally well in combination.

Smart Beta and ESG

Aberdeen Standard Investments, Sustainalytics and the University of Oxford Smith School of Enterprise and Environment have published “Smart Beta and ESG: Promoting sustainability in smart beta investment strategies”.

The ESG Risk Ratings: Potential Applications for Investors

With our third ESG Risk Ratings white paper, we explore how investors could potentially apply the ESG Risk Ratings to their investment processes. Below are some key takeaways from the white paper. To learn more, register for our regional webinar using the buttons at the bottom of the page.

The ESG Risk Ratings: Exploring the Internet Software and Services Subindustry

In the second installment of our ESG Risk Ratings white paper series, we assess the unmanaged ESG risk of 42 Internet Software and Services (ISS) companies. In addition, the report offers a comprehensive ESG risk analysis of the subindustry and concludes with a case study of Facebook.