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10 for 2025: Investing in Sustainable Value Chains

10 for 2025: Investing in Sustainable Value Chains

The latest report in our “10 for” series draws on our latest research and highlights ten ESG themes that we think will affect corporate value chains in 2025.

Six Sustainable Finance Trends to Watch in 2025

Six Sustainable Investing Trends to Watch in 2025

This report covers six themes that will be top of mind for sustainability-aware investors for 2025, identifying touchpoints that investors will need to learn to navigate in the new year.

The Transformative Potential of Green Ammonia for the Shipping Industry | Morningnstar Sustainalytics

The Transformative Potential of Green Ammonia for the Shipping Industry

This article explores the potentially transformative role of green ammonia in the shipping sector, its environmental benefits, the challenges to its adoption, and broader implications for the market and other industries.

Hamburger, fries and dipping sauces on a red background

Big Food’s Broken Promises: The Data Behind the Food Industry’s Rising Emissions

Using Low Carbon Transition Ratings data, we look at six major food companies and identify where they need to go beyond targets to meet their stated net-zero goals.


The State of ESG Risk Across Industries: Three Key Takeaways From Our Annual Industry Reports

Morningstar Sustainalytics’ Annual ESG Risk Ratings Industry Reports are now available. Discover the cross-industry insights that emerge from this year’s reports and the research behind them.

Two large yellow dump trucks transporting minerals at a lithium open mine.

The Raw Materials Crunch: Industry Risks Due to Physical Scarcity, Supply Concentration and Intense Demand

As demand for critical raw materials increases, due in part to the low-carbon transition, industries reliant on those materials face growing risks. In this article, discover what’s driving those risks.


Seeing Through the Green: A Guide to Greenwashing Risks for Asset Managers

This guide provides asset managers with the insights they need to distinguish and develop genuine sustainable investment products and to understand greenwashing risks.

Thematic Research: Investing in AI for IT Operations

The topic of artificial intelligence (AI) has been making headlines over the past year with a wave of new customer and business applications that are revolutionizing how industries operate by improving efficiency.

Thematic Research: Investing in the Future of Transportation

The article offers an analysis of the ESG issues faced by companies engaged in the development of innovative transportation technologies.

scope 3 emissions shareholder voting

Investors Seek Meaningful Scope 3 Emissions Targets to Evaluate Climate Transition Plans

Climate concerns continued to dominate proxy voting in the 2022 proxy season. With more clarity on sectoral commitments required to achieve the global net zero goal, shareholders’ requests have become noticeably more specific. A larger number of resolutions asked companies to adopt and report on emissions reduction targets and transition plans that reference the latest forward-looking guidance.

Sustainalytics at COP15 Biodiversity Conference

Danish Delegation Engages Sustainalytics’ Biodiversity Expert, Enabling Front Row Access to COP15 Negotiations

Finance Day within the U.N. Biodiversity Conference (COP15) is fast approaching, and Morningstar Sustainalytics’ team members will be in attendance, each focusing on different investor biodiversity considerations related to active ownership.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel

The Role of Sustainable Aviation Fuel in Achieving Decarbonization by 2050

Meeting the aviation's industry's goal of decarbonization by 2050 will require a collective effort and more ambitious measures than those currently in place, including carbon offsetting, route optimization, fuel efficiency and fleet renewals that involve a shift to more eco-friendly aircraft. However, all of these measures still revolve around fossil fuels as a source of energy.

wireless users network outage

Telecom Network Outages, the ESG Risks of a Connected World

The telecom industry is exposed to several Material ESG Issues, including Data Privacy and Security, Business Ethics, Human Capital and Product Governance. Product Governance issues in the telecom industry include service quality, maintaining reliable, high-speed networks, and responding to customer billing concerns.

ESG Risk Data Center

ESG Risks Affecting Data Centers: Why Water Resource Use Matters to Investors

Data centers play a critical role for many technology and telecom companies and for their supporting servers, digital storage equipment and network infrastructure for data processing and storage. Data centers require high volumes of water directly for cooling purposes and indirectly, through electricity generation. Morningstar Sustainalytics’ recent activation of the Resource Use Material ESG Issue (MEI) within its ESG Risk Ratings recognizes water risks of data centers.

twitter social icon

Why ESG Investors Follow the Elon Musk Twitter Takeover

A self-proclaimed “free speech absolutist”, Musk has criticized what he views as excessive moderation on online platforms, indicating his desire to ease Twitter’s content moderation policies and only remove content deemed illegal by governments.

EV charging station

Cobalt ESG Risks Threaten Electric Vehicle Supply Chain

Transport electrification is at the forefront of the international climate transition agenda. Because of this, global demand for cobalt is projected to grow fourfold by 2030, which raises the question, are mineral supply chains robust enough to fuel a sustainable EV revolution?

automotive production in Ukraine

ESG Implications of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on the Automotive Industry

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has put more pressure on a sector that was already constrained by the disrupted supply chains, brought about by pandemic-induced congestions and shortages. Additionally, the surge in fuel price is already affecting customers, although it may accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) as a side effect. However, the scarcity of minerals, which are necessary for semiconductor manufacturing, may further exacerbate the chip shortage that has afflicted the automotive industry since 2020.

Russia-Ukraine Crisis Could Spell Unforeseen ESG Risks for Insurers

Russia-Ukraine Crisis Could Spell Unforeseen ESG Risks for Insurers

The Russia-Ukraine conflict and the subsequent sanctions on Russian entities have led to material and wide-ranging impacts on diversified sectors and international firms. However, company disclosures and other sources suggest that the conflict’s primary impact on the global insurance industry is limited for two main reasons

aviation in Ukraine ESG

ESG Implications of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on the Aviation and Defense Sectors

The aviation industry is feeling the impact of rising fuel costs as an immediate repercussion of the conflict in Ukraine. In particular, the airline sector is still facing significant challenges in mounting a steady recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. On the other hand, the defense industry may be presented with opportunities in light of increased government spending in the aftermath of the invasion.

blockchain supply chain

Leveraging Blockchain to Improve Supply Chain Management - A Case Study for Household and Personal Products Companies

With growing scrutiny from stakeholders—international regulators and regional governments, NGOs, the general public, investors, and financial institutions—companies accused of human rights violations and environmental damage in their supply chains face substantial risks.