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Rubles Russia ESG

Banks’ ESG Risks Related to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Investors’ Radars

Investor interest in the banking sector remains high as the impact of Russian sanctions unfolds. Based on Morningstar Sustainalytics’ research, total unmanaged risk has increased for both Russian and international banks with exposure to Russian clients. To what extent have sanctions affected banks’ total unmanaged risk?

Sustainalytics Podcast

What's Happening in Sustainable Finance: Rhino Bonds Support Conservation, Spotlight on Social Bonds, and More

A round-up of recent developments in the global sustainable finance market. From innovative instruments for financing conservation efforts to growing ESG activity in the private equity space to a new taxonomy for social bonds.

•	Financing the Future: An Interview on High ESG Risk Industries and Opportunities for Banks

Financing the Future: An Interview on High ESG Risk Industries and Opportunities for Banks

Companies in industrial conglomerates, steel, diversified metals, precious metals, and oil and gas producers can make take meaningful steps to reduce their material environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risk – and the negative impacts that go along with those risks. But they need guidance and access to finance. Read on to learn how banks are working with clients in these high-risk industries to set and meet targets for material improvements on ESG risk factors.

What's Happening in Sustainable Finance: Impact Reporting for Bonds, the Low-carbon Transition for the Cement Industry, and More

In addition to our detailed overview of recent developments in the green, social, and sustainability-linked finance space, in this episode we welcome special guest Simon Vacklen, Sustainalytics’ Corporate Solutions senior manager, to discuss impact reporting for use of proceed bonds.

Listen to the latest episode of the Sustainalytics Podcast | Aligning Executive Action to Strategy With Sustainability-Linked Compensation

What's Happening in Sustainable Finance: ESG Market Continues Rapid Growth, Climate Risks Top WEF List, and More

We’re seeing rapid growth and diversification in the ESG market, with companies increasingly using sustainable bonds, loans, and deposits to finance emissions reductions, renewable energy, waste and water management, transition plans, and more.

Women seated around a boardroom table - A Call For Progress on DEI

Answering the Call for Progress: How Companies Can Respond to Investor Demands on DEI

In this blog post we share what companies can do to communicate their progress on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to investors and other key stakeholders, particularly with respect to gender diversity and advancing women’s socio-economic status.

Shanghai skyline | China's Burgeoning Green Bond Market

China’s Burgeoning Green Bond Market: Developments, Characteristics, and Outlook

Insights on China's growing green bond market, including recent developments, key characteristics, and expectations for the world's second largest market.

Sustainalytics Podcast

What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: Evidence of a Social Bond Premium, the Elements of a Just Transition and More

Get an update on recent deals and transactions in the global sustainable finance market, notable reports, and thoughtful insights from Sustainalytics’ sustainable finance experts.

Checklist: 5 Steps to Jumpstart Your Journey to a Nature-Positive Business

Learn the five key steps companies can take to better address their biodiversity impacts and start building a more nature-positive business.

Financing the Future: Conversations on Sustainable Finance

Financing the Future: An Interview on How Banks are Embarking on Their ESG Journeys

Financing the Future: Conversations in Sustainable Finance is a Q&A series where we sit down with featured ESG experts from Sustainalytics, sharing their insights on how businesses are using finance to meet the challenges of our transition to a sustainable future.

Maximum Impact: How Bond Impact Reporting Can Improve Corporate Decision Making

When companies measure and report the environmental and social impacts of their operations, they can demonstrate to investors large and small that their green and social bonds are reliable investments for maximum impact. Then investors can optimize their portfolios for impact as they do for risk and reward and companies can optimize their efforts to improve.

Measuring What Matters: Initiatives for Climate Related Impact and Disclosure - hot orange in the sky

Measuring What Matters: Initiatives for Banks' Climate-Related Impact and Disclosure

To help financial institutions examining the climate impact of their portfolios, we’ve compiled a list of the initiatives and organizations offering guidance on the collection, measurement, and disclosure of climate-related financial data.

Podcast microphone on blue-green background

What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: Reflecting on COP26 Pledges, Sustainable Finance for Gender Equality, and More

In this episode we highlight some of the outcomes from COP26, a new report on using sustainable debt to further gender equality, as well as recent deals, developments, and research in the global sustainable finance market.

Read our most-popular content for corporations in 2021

Our Most Read Content on Corporate ESG in 2021

Find out what businesses are reading with our round-up of Sustainalytics' most popular content in 2021! Clearly, sustainable finance is a hot topic, as well as social impact reporting as businesses work to transition to more sustainable practices.

Close up of green leaf

Infographic | Why Protecting Biodiversity is at the Root of Good Business

In this infographic discover why companies are focusing on how biodiversity loss impacts their businesses and four ways they can address those risks.

What’s Happening in Sustainable Finance: Innovation is the Name of the Game

Highlighting innovations in the sustainable finance market, including ESG derivatives and relinked SLBs, along with a rundown of key transactions and noteworthy reports related to transition finance and curbing emissions.

View our infographic, How Today’s Banks are Adopting ESG-Based Strategies to Become More Sustainable

Infographic | How Today’s Banks are Adopting ESG-Based Strategies to Become More Sustainable

Banks need comprehensive and credible environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies to participate in and benefit from the accelerating growth of sustainable finance. This infographic sheds light on some of the key sustainability-focused strategies banks are using and what they might look like in practice.

Financing the Future: An Interview on Banks’ Role in the Green Transition

Financing the Future: Conversations in Sustainable Finance is a Q&A series where we sit down with featured ESG experts from Sustainalytics, sharing their insights on how businesses are using finance to meet the challenges of our transition to a sustainable future. Read on to learn...

Read on to explore why banks are embracing sustainable finance

Sustainable Finance and Banks: Reduced Risk, Increased Opportunity

Banks will play a key role in the green transition and those that commit to sustainable banking may gain an advantage over competitors, among other benefits. Indeed, banks are uniquely positioned to participate in and benefit from the transition to a green economy.

cop26 trending themes for investors

COP 26: A Spotlight on Emerging Climate Action Themes for Investors

Reactions to the COP26 Conference and the resulting Glasgow Climate Pact have predictably run the gamut from claims of greenwashing to the celebration of progress in the fight against climate change. Ultimately, any judgement on COP26 may be premature, as the success of the conference will best be measured in time by the extent to which commitments made are put into motion. While we wait to see the concrete actions that materialize, the past two weeks have underscored the importance of several themes that will garner increasing attention and should be considered by sustainable investors.