Progress on the Global Reporting Initiative's New Banking Sector Standard: Highlights and Latest Developments
In April 2024, members of the GRI Banking Technical Committee met to discuss the key topics to be included in the draft GRI Banking Sector Standard. Read on to learn more about reporting requirements for banks.
The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: A Step Towards Stronger Human Rights and Environmental Practice
In this overview, discover the key elements of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and what this EU regulation means for addressing social and environmental issues supply chains.
Child Labor in Cocoa Supply Chains: Unveiling the Layers of Human Rights Challenges
Child labor remains a persistent issue in the cocoa supply chain. So can major food brands do to stop it? Discover the steps companies can take to address the issue and ways investors can engage with companies to mitigate it.
Constructing Zero Deforestation Portfolios to Combat Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss
The world’s forests are under threat, putting ecosystem services and global economic wealth in danger. But investors can help to fight deforestation. In this article, learn the reasons why investors should pursue zero deforestation portfolios.
The Raw Materials Crunch: Industry Risks Due to Physical Scarcity, Supply Concentration and Intense Demand
As demand for critical raw materials increases, due in part to the low-carbon transition, industries reliant on those materials face growing risks. In this article, discover what’s driving those risks.