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Heavy snowfall on tree-lines street with snow covered parked cars

Snowed Under: Climate Risks From Extreme Snowfall in the Great Lakes Region of North America

Discover the approaches investors can take to protect assets and capitalize on opportunities in the face of increasing risks from extreme snowfall events.

ESG in Conversation: A Look Ahead at 2025 and Beyond

Experts share their predictions of what will be top of mind for investors and issuers in the areas of ESG risk, regulations, climate transition and sustainable finance for the year to come.

One half green forest, one half deforested land

Deforestation and Biodiversity on the Brink: Field Notes From an Engagement Trip to Brazil

Accelerating biodiversity loss and deforestation in Brazil is a growing concern. Learn the key insight gathered from our recent investor engagement trip to the country.

Ron Bundy Quarterly Letter Q1 2025

Get Ready to Hear the Term ‘Double Materiality.’ Here’s What It Means for Investors

The perils and promise of impact reporting, from a panel of Morningstar experts.

Six Sustainable Finance Trends to Watch in 2025

Six Sustainable Investing Trends to Watch in 2025

This report covers six themes that will be top of mind for sustainability-aware investors for 2025, identifying touchpoints that investors will need to learn to navigate in the new year.

The EU Taxonomy Regulation Explained

This guide serves as a starting point for understanding the impact and key components of the EU Taxonomy Regulation.

ESG in Conversation: A Look Back At 2024

In this episode, we look back at some key insights from our guests during this past year - from ESG metrics, to climate, to regulatory issues.

Header Ron Bundy quarterly column

Taking a Forward Look on Climate Investing

83% of US-based issuers have some real estate at high physical risk in worst climate scenario, Morningstar Sustainalytics finds.

Close-up of water droplet impacting still water.

Getting to Impact: Integrating Double Materiality in Responsible Investment Strategies

Learn the key distinctions between financial, impact and double materiality and the related implications for issuers and investors.

Living Up to the SRI Label: Strategies for Addressing Companies from High Impact Climate Sectors

Discover how investment firms can leverage LCTR data and company engagement to help ensure their sustainability-focused funds meet the increasingly stringent criteria from standard setters.

Progress on the Global Reporting Initiative's New Banking Sector Standard: Highlights and Latest Developments

In April 2024, members of the GRI Banking Technical Committee met to discuss the key topics to be included in the draft GRI Banking Sector Standard. Read on to learn more about reporting requirements for banks.

Fundamentals of ESG Materiality: An Overview for Investors

This overview explores how ESG factors can affect business and investments, demonstrates how these issues are material to business viability, and showcases the ways in which investors can incorporate ESG factors into their strategies.

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: A Step Towards Stronger Human Rights and Environmental Practice

In this overview, discover the key elements of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and what this EU regulation means for addressing social and environmental issues supply chains.

The SEC’s New Rules on Climate

This episode of ESG in Conversation dives into the SEC’s new climate disclosure rules and what they mean for companies and investors.

Child Labor in Cocoa Supply Chains | Morningstar Sustainalytics

Child Labor in Cocoa Supply Chains: Unveiling the Layers of Human Rights Challenges

Child labor remains a persistent issue in the cocoa supply chain. So can major food brands do to stop it? Discover the steps companies can take to address the issue and ways investors can engage with companies to mitigate it.

Gloved hand holding clump of oil sand

Lines in the Sand: How Canada’s Oil Sands Companies Can Pave Their Way to Net Zero

Post-COP 28 countries have agreed to an orderly transition away from fossil fuels. This article explores what that could look like for Canada’s oil and gas producers.

Aerial photo of clear cutting in Amazon rainforest

Constructing Zero Deforestation Portfolios to Combat Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss

The world’s forests are under threat, putting ecosystem services and global economic wealth in danger. But investors can help to fight deforestation. In this article, learn the reasons why investors should pursue zero deforestation portfolios.


Combatting Investment Greenwashing Through a Double Materiality Approach

Learn how a double materiality investment approach can help mitigate greenwashing risks in sustainable investments.

Two large yellow dump trucks transporting minerals at a lithium open mine.

The Raw Materials Crunch: Industry Risks Due to Physical Scarcity, Supply Concentration and Intense Demand

As demand for critical raw materials increases, due in part to the low-carbon transition, industries reliant on those materials face growing risks. In this article, discover what’s driving those risks.

Silhouette of people in a business meeting

In Whose Best Interest? Why Investors Are Demanding More Transparency on Companies' Lobbying Activities

A growing number of investors are prioritizing lobbying transparency in their portfolio. Discover the reasons why and how they are holding companies accountable in our latest blog.